"He who plants a garden plants happiness." - Proverb
We had so much fun with the kids doing this garden - and they had fun too - getting into the dirt and building soil, by making sure they understand why it's so important to mulch and cover the soil.
The longer we were there, the more kids came around to watch us from the sidelines (there can only be so many kids in the garden itself for the Permaculture hands on lesson). It was a beautiful and precious sight to witness.
Note: I am not posting that (gorgeous) photo here as we really take care to not reveal the identiy of any of the kids to preserve their privacy publically. But trust me - it's was a sight to see.

The started with this group and hand dozens more kids watch on with fascination.

Hands on permaculture gardening class.

Planting seedlings after mulching.

All for one, and one for all. Hands after a morning in the soil.
We also taught them how to make a natural fertilizer with comfrey leaves - and how this will improve their harvest over time. The comfrey also acts as a natral pest control in the garden.
At the end of our visit we had a long chat with the schools principle who is deeply committed to growing food and had already started a patch on her own with the kids.
And now, after our visit, she and they are more empowered with the knowledge and experience to not only improve their growing, but can slowly turn what they now have into an abundant farm to not only feed their kids at school, but to inspired the kids to go home and plant veggie patches where they live. It was touching to hear how passionate the Principal is about growing and she shared how much the kids love it to.