"Use plants to bring life.” – Douglas Wilson

Each time we visit a school - it is a gift to the school and the community. It's an opportunity to learn how to protect, preserve and build soil which is so vital for all of us to be doing, but for this rising generation to be learning now is priceless. This is part of our mission at Growing Hope. Education around soil regeneration and actually putting it into practice is step one. Learning how to grow so food self reliance can be achieved is another. We are so happy to be doing this meaningful work.

We also gift each school as part of the lesson, mulch, approximately 500 seedlings, seeds for cover crops and comfrey for garden protection and with which they can make organic fertilizer. And we love to see these gardens grow.

This month we also welcome an additional permaculture expert teaching our Growing Hope classes. Siya is passionate about growing and gardening. He he's been working with a Permaculture Project for some time and has been trained in the methods we use and he's supported growing projects at schools over the past couple years. He is also (like us) passionate about NO WASTE and upcycling and shares tipcs with the kids to not only save resource, and money but how this helps save the earth.
He will for now be teaching and doing the Growing Hope gardens - with the added bonus that he speaks both fluent Zulu and English, which can be supportive for the kids. It's a joy to watch him work with the kids and the earth.

We are honored to do this work, and we could not do it without our generous sponsors. Thank you to Ginette de Fleuriot of Yoga with Ginette who, together with Ainsley Taylor, hosted two community fundraisers in Cape Town of yoga, meditation & gong soundbaths to be able to sponsor this week! You are all lights in the world!