“I always see gardening as escape, as peace really. If you are angry or troubled, nothing provides the same solace as nurturing the soil.” – Monty Don

This was such a fun week. We did the class and garden on Wednesday at a primary School in Wyebank - in their white uniforms! The kids got SO into it.
With the deputy principal we selected a nice part of the land that would have good sun, some shade, access to watering hose and also a place that the kids would see everyday.
We mulched. We taught. We shared. We learned. We listened. We collaborated. We explored. We planted. We played. We connected. We enjoyed. We grew.
This lesson was taught in Zulu and English with a group of kids and several teachers.

Without our sponsors this project and our audacious goal of 52 gardens this year - would not be possible!.
We are so grateful for their support.It's with so much appreciation that we thank Dr Charles Geffen and Andre Serfontein for generously sponsoring our GROWING HOPE Week 14 food garden in Wyebank, KZN, South Africa!