We were enthusiastically welcomed by the schools groundsman, who is very keen on growing vegetables. In years past the school had a very successful vegetable garden that was used to contribute vegetables to the school feeding program, as well as to students to take food home where there is need.
The garden that was here in years past fell away when the staff member who was spearheading the program retired. At the time, the current groundsman was not yet working at the school but with the re-establishment of the garden, and his enthusiasm to care for the plot, we believe this garden will be a great success!

We chose to place the vegetable garden in the same place that the garden was previously situated. The area is an elevated space along a wall where the students will pass by daily, however safely on a terrace, out of the way of where students walk and play.

It was wonderful to see how excited the groundsman and the children were to grow vegetables for their school. We will do a follow up visit in a couple weeks to ensure that the garden is growing well and provide assistance or answer questions he or they may have.
We also provided them with a newly printed manual with an outline of the basics of permaculture techniques, that will support them in regenerating the soil and improving their harvests.

We are so grateful to our sponsors for this permaculture class and food garden! Thank you for supporting education, the earth and South Africa childen and schools! We couldn't have done this without your support!