“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul. ”
- Alfred Austin
We have so much fun going to these schools to work with the kids. Teaching them why mulching is so important and how with their own hands, they can plant seelings and seeds that will grow, and not only nourish them, but nourish the ground and that more seeds are produced from every grow. We remind them that the soil is alive, it's living and bugs and worms adn creatures in the garden are so important and means the soil is alive and healthy! We have hear before: "No more killing?" and we confirm that yes, there needs to be, "No more killing!"

Permaculture is our approach to all our gardens. Some of these include building, covering and protecting the soil, planting cover crops, and returning to listening and communing with nature and the plants. We as humans are infact nature, and made from the earth.
Many thanks to Marina Mathieu for sponsoring a second garden with us!